Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Familiar Faces

Been seeing a lot more people I used to know lately. This is an experience that can be good or bad. Particularly bad, especially when I run into people from high school at work. The best had to be a while back, when I ran into some girl I knew, who's name I don't remember, and if I cared a bit more, I might bust out the year book, but I didn't after it happened, and I don't intend to now.

Needless to say, on Thursdays, my job takes me over to the clothing side of the store, and I spend all day updating counts there. And of course, I should run into this girl while I'm researching my favorite part, lingerie.

This is awesome for me, because, for starters, I'm at a immediate disadvantage, because I didn't know her well in school, nor she me, but we recognize each other, but she has the advantage of knowing my name because I'm displaying it on my chest, whereas I've got nothing, and I can't ask her hers, because even though she probably only remembered mine because it's right there, I'd feel like a jerk for not remembering hers. And then it's just an awkward place to catch up. There's the typical "what are you up to these days", and I really don't care what she's up to, and as for me, I'm rifling through the panty wall, looking for a particular set the system thinks we have but I can't find.

This experience has prompted a change in my routine, and I now start there and get that done before the store opens.

Anyways, today was a good one. My boos came up to me while I was over in cosmetics (another great place to run into people, btw) and told me there was a guy over by the PC games who was suspected of stealing XBox games. So I have to go over and ask him if he needs help, and just sort of deter theft. And who should be the suspect but one of my old friends from engineering club, Sean something or other.

I was really good to see him actually, even if he may or may not have been stealing. I'd be interested to find out if Jesse actually saw him on the cameras or just suspected him of it, because yeah, I haven't seen the guy in like four years, but I really didn't see it. He's doing pretty well for himself, got a good job for some defense contractor, and doesn't seem like he needs to resort to stealing games, but who knows. Not me, that's for sure.

Then later, at Safeway, I ran into a guy who I generally see when I'm there, Cody, working in the bakery. I haven't been there lately, and he's one of those people who always nags me about going to school, and doing something with my life, which, I actually like him because for some reason, it doesn't bug me coming from him. And then, as soon as he saw me, he said he just saw one of my best friends from way back in kindergarten, Evan Ponton. I was about to whip out my phone and call him and see if he was still in the store, but Cody beat me to it, calling him out over the store intercom. Evan walks around the corner, a few minutes later, a confused look on his face, wondering what he could possibly be needed at the bakery for.

We talked for a bit, and I need to see him more this summer. He reminded me I need to see a lot of people this summer, as right now, I hang out with the same four people four days a week, plus, then the people from work, who I see five or six days. Really, different people are nice, change things up, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, T. I was laughing like an idiot while reading the part about "rifling through the panty wall". You must've looked like real perv. I kid. It's cool running into people you know. Doesn't happen too often here in Maine.
